Head of Procurement Kim Larter kim.larter@westyorksfire.gov.uk Related Finance and Procurement Find out how the authority spends its budget on its ongoing running costs and major capital investments. Find out more Who We Are West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority have been recognised as the top-performing Fire and Rescue Service in the region. Find out more! Find out more What We Do WYFRA is an independent body with a legal duty to provide a fire and rescue service that meets the needs of local communities. Find out more Data Transparency Making data open. Find out more
Finance and Procurement Find out how the authority spends its budget on its ongoing running costs and major capital investments. Find out more
Who We Are West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority have been recognised as the top-performing Fire and Rescue Service in the region. Find out more! Find out more
What We Do WYFRA is an independent body with a legal duty to provide a fire and rescue service that meets the needs of local communities. Find out more