ASB, Hoax Calls and the Full Bonfire Talk:
These PowerPoints are for Firefighter delivery in your school.
Click on the below links, then select “File” and then “download” in order for them to run through PowerPoint so that all animations work and videos play.
Please have these downloaded, saved and open ready for the firefighters' arrival. Thank you.
Firework Legalities:
This is for teachers to deliver as a follow-up to any of the above talks or can be used separately for information. Please download, save and run this PowerPoint in slideshow mode for animations to work correctly.
For those not receiving a Fire Fighter visit in person, please use either of the links below (depending on year group) to play a pre-recorded video version of the talk in your own time:
This talk is interactive and requires a teacher to lead with certain discussion points throughout. With interactions, the talk should take around 45 minutes - an hour.
There are 2 versions of this talk, both are identical in content, but one has background music. So it is down to your preference, which you use, and which version will suit your learners best. These last around 30 minutes.
Firefighters must always be supported in the classroom with the teacher and or teaching assistant and never left alone with the children.
Firefighters will not manage the behaviour of the children in the classroom.
Remember Firefighters remain available for emergency calls so may need to leave quickly.
We hope students will learn from these talks, but also that staff will become more informed about our advice.
Our aim is to make all of West Yorkshire Safer, not just the pupils.
We would also be grateful if staff could fill in our feedback form at the end of the talks for us:
Leave your feedback here.