We believe the most effective way to save lives, reduce injuries and other losses through fire and other emergencies is to reduce the number of incidents that occur.
We therefore instigate and support the development of a range of partnership working initiatives aimed at preventing incidents.
We do this by focusing on risk reduction for vulnerable people and by raising awareness about risk to the wider community.
For more information visit our Fire Prevention page.
- Engage with local and national agencies to identify good practice to improve service delivery and community safety.
- Work in co-operation with the local community, talking to other organisations to identify and reduce risks from fire and other hazards which affect peoples lives.
- Visit schools and deliver structured educational fire safety programmes to pupils aged between 9 and 10, as part of the national curriculum.
We also provide several programmes to young people, including Safety Rangers and youth inclusion initiatives undertaken in partnership with other agencies such as the police. The highly successful Young Firefighters scheme that provides young people with an academic qualification has been shown to positively influence the way Firefighters are viewed by local community.
We also have in place risk reduction teams to access and engage with those people most vulnerable to fire. They provide information, education and where necessary additional protection measures.