Risk Reduction

Risk Reduction teams work within each of the five district areas, with local agencies to identify and target individuals most at risk from fire. Providing information, education and where necessary additional protection measures, through Safe & Well Visits. These are requested by the public, referred through our partnerships or carried out during Hotstrikes (door knocking locally after a nearby house fire).

The Risk Reduction Teams also attend events in the community such as Days of Action where various agencies such as the Fire Service, Police and Neighbourhood wardens target one particular area. School talks are also carried out by the teams, which include the general ‘Fire Safety in the Home’ talk and a specific ‘Firework and Bonfire Safety’ talk.


The Partnerships Officer is responsible for the development of policy and strategy regarding prevention based partnership work, providing guidance on developing and managing partnerships across West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, monitoring the performance of partnerships in terms of their contribution to the service delivery goals, and management of the Partnership Register.

The Partnerships function also supports the Partnership Board and coordinates the production and dissemination of good practice examples across the service and with our partners.


The Prevention team works in partnership with other agencies and local communities to reduce the number of arson and anti-social fires in West Yorkshire. Prevention staff work with partners to reduce the amount of fuel available to start anti-social fires and work with local residents and schools to help them reduce deliberate fire risk within their own communities.

Central Prevention Support

The Central Prevention Team, led by the Senior Prevention Manager, manages the development, implementation and review of all Prevention strategies and policies. The Central Prevention Team is responsible for working closely with district colleagues and other departments to identify issues affecting domestic dwelling and deliberate fire risk, sourcing effective intervention equipment and to developing work practices aimed at reducing that risk.

The team is also responsible for performance, managing all aspects of the prevention function and reporting performance to senior officers and the Fire Authority members.

Fire Prevention Policies and Procedures