The Independent Person is Mr Ishaq Mahmood who was appointed on 30 June 2022.

The Independent Person - Audit is Mr Paul Burnham who was appointed on 1 January 2023.
The Localism Act 2011 repealed the mandatory requirement to maintain a Standards Committee with effect from 1st July 2012. The Act introduced a new procedure for dealing with the investigation of complaints against Members of the Authority and one requirement of that procedure was that an Independent Person be appointed.
The Authority’s Code of Conduct complaints procedure includes provision for the Independent Person to be consulted only when the Complaints Sub-committee has decided to investigate a complaint and before a final decision has been taken on any allegation of misconduct. The Independent Person does not enter into any communication with a complainant and will not be consulted should the Authority’s Monitoring Officer decide at the initial sift process that the matter does not fall within the Code of Conduct.
Independent Person – Audit Committee
In support of best practice the Authority has also appointed an Independent Person to its Audit Committee to strengthen the scrutiny and challenge element of the Committees remit.
The Independent Person is Mr Ishaq Mahmood who was appointed on 30 June 2022.
The Independent Person - Audit is Mr Paul Burnham who was appointed on 1 January 2023.