Our Team
Our team specialises in targeted interventions for young people who are most likely to use or instigate the use of a blue light service at some point in their lives. It includes experienced youth trainers and firefighters who are experts in the delivery of interactive youth interventions. We are keen to act as positive role models because we are passionate about young people's experiences.
Our target audience is any young person in West Yorkshire who may experience inequality in their education, housing, health and wellbeing. Barriers including poverty, having a troubled home life, mental health issues, being involved in antisocial behaviour (ASB) and possibly having a conviction or struggling with drug/alcohol issues, are all areas we wish to work with other partner agencies to break down.
Working preventatively with vulnerable young people can help to reduce their dependency on blue light services throughout their lives. Low economic well-being and deprivation is a key indicators of higher demand for the response services provided by WYFRS. Through offering additional opportunities for young people to develop their character, resilience, and determination, we will be a service to inspire behaviour change. We are not only raising their current safety awareness but developing their social responsibility and skills for their future.