Portrait photograph of John Roberts.
Chief Executive/Chief Fire Officer
Chief Executive/Chief Fire Officer - John Roberts

CFO Roberts has overall responsibility for delivery of  West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and its aim to provide an excellent fire and rescue service working in partnership to reduce death, injury, economic loss and contribute to community well-being.


Portrait photograph of Dave Walton.
Director of Service Delivery
Director of Service Delivery Deputy Chief Fire Officer - Dave Walton, QFSM DMS MIFireE

DCFO Walton is responsible for all the county’s front-line fire stations and the Control Centre. The directorate has three principal areas of responsibility:

  • Operations Support which prepares emergency plans and ensures that the brigade addresses all foreseeable operational risks;
  • Operations Response are responsible for the day to day management of the fire stations and associated crews and making sure that the stations have the resources and equipment to work efficiently, safely and effectively;
  • Fire Safety which incorporates:
    • Fire Protection whose responsibilities include Legislative and Enforcement matters
    • Fire Prevention who are responsible for delivering the Community Fire Safety Programme.


Portrait photograph of Nick Smith
Director of Service Support
Assistant Chief Fire Officer - Nick Smith

ACO Smith is responsible for the strategic direction across the Service Support references which includes:

Portrait Photograph of Alison Wood.
Chief Finance and Procurement Officer
Mrs Alison Wood, CPFA

Alison Wood is the Statutory Finance Officer responsible for the administration of the financial affairs of the Authority as required under the Local Government Act 1985.

Services provided by the Finance Department include:

  • Accounting and Budgeting
  • Payroll
  • Payment of Creditors
  • Collection of Income
  • Treasury Management
  • Insurance
  • Internal Audit
  • Procurement

Treasurer to the Fire Authority.


Sonia Pawson
Director of People and Culture
Sonia Pawson, CPsychol, AFBPsS, Chartered FCIPD, Registered Psychologist

Sonia Pawson is responsible for setting the strategic direction across the Employment Services function including:

  • Human Resources
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Occupational Health and Safety Unit
Martin McCarthy
Director of Corporate Services
Mr Martin McCarthy, MBA FCIM

Martin McCarthy is responsible for the following: