Terms and Conditions

Purchase Orders issued by WYFRA are done so under our General Terms & Conditions (unless expressly agreed otherwise)

View the Contract Template.

The exception to using the Authority’s General Terms and Conditions arises when using Terms and Conditions provided by:

  • Crown Commercial Services (e.g. Consultancy Services)
  • Framework Agreements
  • Utility Company (Gas, Electricity and Water)
  • Telecommunications
  • Construction Industry Terms and Conditions (but limited to NEC, JCT, RIBA and RICS).
How we do Business

How to do business with WYFRA

West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority, as a public sector organisation, must meet the requirements of Procurement law which ensures open and fair competition.

Under Procurement Regulations (PCR2015 prior to 28th October 2024 and the Procurement Act 2023 – PA23 post 28th October 2024), contract opportunities with a total value over pre-determined thresholds must be undertaken adhering to the relevant regulations and be advertised via the UK e-notification service and/or Contracts Finder (https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk).

Details regarding the new Procurement Act can be found here. Suppliers can obtain more specific information here or here

Tendering Tips 

Winning WYFRS Tender Opportunities 

New Procurement Act - Central Digital Platform

New Procurement Act - Central Digital Platform

Modern Slavery Toolkit

Modern Slavery Toolkit October 2022

National / Regional Framework Agreements

A large portion of WYFRA’s supplies and services e.g. fire appliances, utilities, ICT support etc are purchased collaboratively with other public sector organisations through various pre-tendered Framework Agreements awarded by Public Buying Organisations or lead Authorities.

WYFRA will consider the merits of relevant frameworks against each procurement requirement and if they offer best value, we shall either directly “call-off” from these framework agreements or run mini-competitions as appropriate against the list of framework suppliers.

Suppliers interested in these Framework Agreements should contact the relevant organisation that awards and manages each framework.

Electronic Procurement Portal

WYFRA uses an electronic procurement portal for inviting RfQ (request for quotation) and tender responses for all procurement project with an estimated total contract value above £10k.

Any supplier interested in providing (non-framework) supplies, services or works to WYFRA are requested to register (registration is free) on the electronic procurement portal which is hosted by In-Tend – https://in-tendhost.co.uk/wyfrs/aspx/Home

The on-line self-registration process requires suppliers to indicate the geographical areas in which they operate and what services they offer.

This information is then used to email alerts to suppliers about any new opportunities published by WYFRA and the procurement process is managed fully via this electronic procurement portal.

Market engagement

On occasion, WYFRA undertakes soft market testing exercises with suppliers. This involves liaising with suppliers to establish the best way of running any future procurement projects as well as assessing the current market. Soft market testing requires active engagement with suppliers.

Suppliers should however note that they will not be prejudiced by failure to respond to the soft market testing exercise. Also, a response to market testing exercises does not confer any advantage over any other supplier nor guarantee any invitation to participate in any future tenders.


Our policy in managing quotations and tenders is to identify and invite where possible, two local suppliers from within the West Yorkshire region to participate.

Quotations above £10k and tenders above £75k will only be managed via the electronic portal. We do not normally manage these processes outside of the portal.

WYFRA will only accept invoices in PDF format. We do not accept paper or FAX invoices.

Thank you for interest in supplying West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.


Contracts Register

We are committed to being an open, accountable and transparent public authority and hence we publish details of contracts valued over £5,000 that we currently hold, as well as when they are due for retender.

This is in line with the government’s promise to ensure that public authorities are transparent about their contract expenditure and tender opportunities.

The Contracts Register will be updated approximately every quarter and published on a rolling basis.

Contracts Register Q1 2024 

Contracts Register Q2 2024

Contracts Register Q3 2024


Does WYFRS operate any approved lists and how can I join?

WYFRA uses Framework Agreements that are pre-approved lists of suppliers awarded by Public Buying Organisations or lead Authorities. Interested suppliers should contact these organisations direct.

How does WYFRS determine which procurement method / process to use?

Many factors are taken into consideration including the total value of the procurement, which regulations and procedures apply, market conditions, any existing contracts or framework agreements available, opportunities for joint procurement with other public authorities and the subject matter.

Will lowest price always win contracts?

No. WYFRS rarely award contracts purely on price. Each procurement requirement will be determined on best value which is a balance between Quality and Price. Being an Emergency Service means that quality is often more important than price when it comes to operational firefighting equipment. Each tender opportunity will clearly state the quality / price balance being applied with comprehensive evaluation methodology.

Our company is more interested in sub-contracting

WYFRS does not award sub-contracts and instead expects the principal contractor to establish any supply chain. Companies interested in sub-contracting could register on the e-procurement system to be kept informed of what contracts are being tendered and awarded; and you could then approach the winning contractor for any potential sub-contracting opportunities.

How quickly does WYFRS pay invoice?

Standard Terms and Conditions and our Contract’s payment terms are typically 30 days from receipt of an undisputed invoice. However, dependent on the project and whether a sole trader or SME 10 days payment terms may be possible.

How can I see what Contracts WYFRS has in place and when these expire?

WYFRS publish on a quarterly basis our Contract Register which provides all details of existing Contracts with expiry dates.

What is the organisation’s non-pay annual spend?

WYFRS non-pay annual expenditure is circa £18m. 

What are Procurement Regulations?

As a public sector organisation, WYFRS mandates adherence to internal Contract Procedure Rules and Financial Procedure Rules which form part of our Constitution alongside public sector procurement regulations; up to 24th Feb 2025 the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and post 24th Feb 2025 known as the Procurement Act 2023 and Procurement Regulations 2024.

What is Social Value and is this considered in procurement for the Fire Service?

Social value contributes to the long-term wellbeing and resilience of individuals, communities and society, taking into consideration economic, social and environmental elements. WYFRS considers social value through our policy and spending decisions to maximise the benefit for the communities we serve. All procurement projects will consider social value that is relevant to the outcome of the procurement process.

How can I be made aware of any tender opportunities?

WYFRS uses an e-procurement system to publish any tender opportunities. Registration is free and you will be automatically alerted to opportunities for the categories you register for. You can register on the electronic procurement portal which is hosted by In-Tend – https://in-tendhost.co.uk/wyfrs/aspx/Home