To achieve our ambition we will:
- Focus on risk and vulnerability
- Be part of our communities
- Work in partnership
- Be at our best and strive to improve
- Make a positive difference in everything we do
- Promote diversity and create an inclusive workplace
Leeds district covers an area of approximately 213 square miles with a population of 750,000, made up of 130 different nationalities.
Leeds is the most important financial, legal and business centre outside London.
There are a number of high risk sites, including two major hospitals, two large sports stadiums and a number of large shopping outlets. The area’s main transport links are Leeds Bradford International Airport, Leeds Railway Station, the M1, M62 and M621 motorways and A1 trunk road.
Our CRMP sets out the essential work we will carry out over the next three years to manage and reduce fire-related risks and other emergencies to protect the communities of West Yorkshire. This plan has been developed to reassure you that we carefully consider how we meet the demands of our ever-changing society.
I am immensely proud to be the District Commander for Leeds observing daily the professionalism, passion and dedication the team delivers in making the community of Leeds and West Yorkshire safer.
Community engagement and involvement is a continued focus within Leeds, and we will focus on our objective to support the most marginalised communities and identify our most vulnerable community members. We will continue to seek to reduce the foreseeable risk within Leeds and ensure our staff are trained to the highest level, have the best equipment and resources available to deal with any eventuality. We will look to respond to support our community in the safest, most efficient, effective way.
The built environment will be a focus within Leeds matched with an intelligence driven approach encompassing existing building risk and proposed future building developments. Water safety awareness is a key focus in Leeds, working in close partnership, we will continue to educate the public on the hazards of entering fast moving water and look to support community members who may find themselves in any form of crisis.
In addition to this, we need to change how we deliver services in line with the findings from the inquiries into the Grenfell Tower fire and the Manchester Arena attack, as well as the recommendations from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspection of WYFRS.
This plan seeks to build on the success of previous years and to strive to improve our service further through the delivery of our priorities. I hope this plan provides a clear understanding of how we will continue to prevent, protect and respond both efficiently, effectively with resilience to meet the needs of the community of Leeds and West Yorkshire.
Lee Miller – Leeds District Commander
Lee Miller - District Commander
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To email please use SDAH@westyorksfire.gov.uk
To call please use 0800 587 4536