Our Guiding Principles
To achieve our ambition, we will:
- Focus on risk and vulnerability.
- Be part of our communities.
- Work in partnership.
- Be at our best and strive to improve.
- Make a positive difference in everything we do.
- Promote diversity and create an inclusive workplace.
Our Priorities
- This plan sets out how we aim to use our resources to manage the risks we face in West Yorkshire and keep you safe from fire and other emergencies
- Improve the safety and effectiveness of our firefighters.
- Promote the health, safety, and well-being of all our people.
- Encourage a learning environment in which we support, develop, and enable all our people to be at their best.
- Focus our prevention and protection activities on reducing risk and vulnerability.
- Provide ethical governance and value for money.
- Collaborate with partners to improve all of our services.
- Work in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.
- Achieve a more inclusive workforce, which reflects the diverse communities we serve.
- Continuously improve using digital and data platforms to innovate and work smarter.
- Plan and deploy our resources based on risk.
Delivering Our Priorities
Plan and deploy our resources based on risk:
- We will continue to manage and monitor the risk within Calderdale and ensure that our operational response is appropriate to the risks identified.
- We will ensure the availability of specialist equipment, vehicles, and personnel in areas where risk is identified as requiring a specialist response.
- Improve the safety and effectiveness of our firefighters.
- We will undertake training and exercising to ensure a safe response to risk identified in Calderdale.
- We will continue our training days with partner agencies including
- Flood Wardens, Local Authority Community Wardens, National Trust, Landowners and Emergency Planning to improve how we respond to Flood and Wildfire across Calderdale.