Moorland Fire - Nr Cupwith Reservoir, Huddersfield
This incident has now been sectorised - firefighters continue to tackle the blaze using specialist wildfire equipment.
Local residents are reminded to keep doors and windows closed due to large amount of smoke from the incident.
Fire crews worked until about 8pm yesterday evening, utilising specialist wildfire equipment and beaters to extinguish the fire. We deployed our teams from the command point on New Hey Road, working both from Cupwith Reservoir and Coal Gate. The fire was completely extinguished, however, due to the high winds, a fire appliance remained on the scene overnight to monitor the situation closely.
This morning (6 March), a wildfire officer surveyed the scene and confirmed that the fire is fully extinguished.
Fire crews from across West Yorkshire are currently dealing with a large moorland fire near Cupwith Reservoir in Huddersfield.
Numerous specialist wildfire vehicles and support appliances are in attendance.