Introduction and scope
Our ambition is to make West Yorkshire Safer. This strategy sets out the Fire Protection measures that will allow us to work towards that ambition and how West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) will carry out its statutory duty to enforce the fire safety law.
The strategy also supports our aim to reduce risk and vulnerability in all our communities. We will do this by providing an excellent Fire Protection team that focuses on the highest risks, and adapt as the risks change. We will also endeavour to support businesses and responsible persons who want to comply with fire safety law and make their premises safe, by providing advice and education.
We will ensure the Fire Authority’s statutory Fire Protection duties are carried out efficiently and effectively in order to reduce the number of fires and the effect they have.
The responsibility for this strategy sits with the Senior Fire Protection Manager, who is supported by the Fire Protection team.
Achieving our aims
The way we inspect premises in West Yorkshire is determined by our Risk Based Inspection Programme (RBIP). This allows us to demonstrate we are meeting our enforcement responsibilities in respect of the Fire Safety Law. The programme allows us to focus our resources on buildings (premises) that present the greatest risk in the event of fire, and we can demonstrate how we have identified poor compliance with fire safety law.
Audits and inspections of premises are carried out to:
- Ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Order and therefore, the safety of occupants.
- Ensure compliance with other fire safety law including those for Petroleum and Explosives.
- Assist and support organisations to comply with their legal responsibilities.
- Give advice on appropriate standards of fire protection and offer sources of information for the Responsible Person.
- Gather risk information that can inform our operational fire crews about the risk in a building. This allows us to allocate our resources appropriately ensuring we can achieve accurate community risk management planning (CRMP).
We will use national tools and models when we carry out audits and inspections for a consistent approach throughout the service and to make sure that our decisions are transparent and auditable.
We are a statutory consultee for the Building Regulations. This gives us an opportunity to consult and advise on appropriate fire safety measures to be considered at plan submission and building stage, to ensure the safety of occupants and to make sure the right firefighting facilities are provided should a fire occur.
How we measure success
We will measure success through:
- Implementing and adhering to the Fire Protection Fire Standard
- Quality assurance processes
- Ensuring we continue to adopt national guidance and best practice where appropriate
- Feedback we receive from HMICFRS inspections
Competency and quality assurance
A competent workforce is at the heart of this strategy. We recognise the importance of training and development in the successful delivery of our Fire Protection work. We are committed to continuous professional development providing competence-based training in line with the NFCC competency framework.
Any WYFRS personnel completing Fire Protection duties, whether they are operational officers or specialist Fire Protection Inspectors, will receive the correct level of training and development required for the work they undertake.
Our quality assurance, monitoring and management procedures ensure that we continuously improve the service we provide to the communities of West Yorkshire and develop the skills and abilities of our staff in the performance of their roles.