Area Manager/Service Support
Toby May
01274 655806 | Toby.May01@westyorksfire.gov.uk
The Employee Resources Station Manager is responsible for employee resources matters such as recruitment of grey book staff, promotions, transfers etc. and the Employee Resource Team (ERT) and reports to the Group Manager Employee Resources.
The ERT is located at Headquarters, Birkenshaw and provides staffing services in support of the Operational Fire Stations and the Operations Department.
The ERT have a number of areas of responsibility:
General Information
The team work between the hours of 7am and 8pm, 7 days a week. Two shifts cover these times, 07:00-15:00 and 12:00-20:00.
Training and Development forms an integral part of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. The main focus of the department is to ensure that training and development will be provided to encompass all roles from Firefighter (Control), Retained Duty System Firefighter to Brigade Manager, as well as Fire Protection, Fire Prevention and Fire and Rescue staff, to assist with the goal of “Making West Yorkshire Safer”.
Training and Development covers the following areas of responsibility:
Provide externally verified and management development for all staff within the service, focusing on leadership skills.
The Training Delivery Department is responsible for a number of distinct functions relating to the development of our Operational staff:
The main focus of Training Support is to assist in the Maintenance of Competence of Fire and Rescue personnel throughout West Yorkshire and this is achieved by providing training, assessment and feedback to operational crews.
Areas covered range from breathing apparatus assessment; initial assessment of newly appointed trainees, water rescue and working at height training to Operational Command refresher training for experienced Crew and Watch Commanders.
Feedback from all these areas of training and assessment is then fed back into the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Operations department, to assist with the ambition of “Making West Yorkshire Safer”
Breathing Apparatus (BA) training is delivered by externally qualified West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Fire Behaviour Instructors, with a programme of courses designed to provide the continuous competence of all Operational staff. This involves the use of live carbonaceous tactical fire training in line with National Fire Service Circulars, Fire Service Manual Volume 4, Guidance and Compliance Framework for Compartment Fire Behaviour Training. Delivered within the Multi Purpose Fire Training Centre and fully adheres to the Safe System of Work Policy.
The Technical Rescue Department provides Operational training to assist Fire Crews to perform rescues from various types of water courses including flooding and rapid water rescues. Training from height by means of high level rope rescue equipment.
Provide road traffic collision and casualty care training within all levels of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Utilise purpose built training facilities and externally qualified Instructors. Develop all personnel to meet National Occupational Standards and fulfil safety critical requirements. Areas covered include;
Provide Driver training to West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service employees to Driving Standards Agency (DSA) standards and Response training to drivers of vehicles travelling on blue light conditions to emergencies.
The department is responsible for the overall co-ordination and implementation of all Training Courses held at WYFRS Training Centre. The team offers support to all departments in relation to Training related needs.
01274 471784 | Christopher.Kovacs01@westyorksfire.gov.uk
The primary role of Command Training is to ensure that all operational officers are trained and assessed for competence in the core function of Incident Command.
The Command Training Department is the functional resource which delivers the training courses required, provides the assessment structure for Command Assessments and ensures appropriate records are maintained of all officers within the Brigade in relation to Command Development.
The courses offered by the Command Training Department range from:
Future Developments:
This function provides operational supervisory commanders training and allows them to demonstrate their skills at risk assessment, decision making, Tactical planning and prioritising objectives.
The department is primarily responsible for the design and development of bespoke operational training modules such as Tactical Firefighting. The team offers technical advice and support to all functions, maintains robust reporting systems and facilitates all e-learning delivery.
Command Multimedia is responsible for photographic, video (film and digital) and imaging material. It is involved in a variety of fire investigation work and liaises closely with outside bodies such as the Police to support their enquiries. The unit also produces publicity and community relations materials.
01274 471784 | Christopher.Kovacs01@westyorksfire.gov.uk
Service Delivery Assurance forms part of the overall performance management framework of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
It will:
The emphasis of Service Delivery Assurance is on the outcomes and impact of activities carried out by personnel within all Directorates ensuring resources are utilised safely, effectively, efficiently and economically.
A Performance Management Framework exists within West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to ensure that we are providing an effective service to the communities of West Yorkshire. Through this performance management framework we are able to demonstrate how effective we are in specific areas and how we are dealing with areas in which we are not quite so effective. This is a tool for use across all directorates and in all functional areas of service delivery.
A separate Performance Management Visits system exists for fire stations within West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. The recorded outcomes of Performance Management Visits contribute to the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service self-assessment process. The Service Delivery Assurance Team quality sample Performance Management Visits ensuring resources are utilised safely, effectively, efficiently and economically.
Any audits completed by the Service Delivery Assurance Team will align to the areas of service delivery specified within the Chief Fire Officers Association Self-Assessment and Peer Challenge Toolkit.
Areas of inspection fall within a set framework known as the Key Areas of Assessment. The Key Areas of Assessment provide the framework through which the Service Delivery Assurance Team will gather and assess evidence relating to service delivery within West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service use the Chief Fire Officers Association Toolkit as a ‘live‘ document where evidence is recorded of the organisation‘s current position in the Key Areas of Assessment.
The Key Areas of Assessment are:
Whilst the Key Areas of Assessment are outward facing and focused on the Authorities objectives, audits will also cover all the supporting functions essential to Service Delivery.
The assurance process is designed to:
It will: