Primary Fires
Primary fires are the most serious type of fire. Reductions in primary fires can be attributed to targeted fire prevention and protection work.
There were 3075 Primary fires in 2022/23 which is higher than the 2883 in 2021/22. Fire fatalities in 2022/23 were 7, which is lower than the 15 in 2021/22. Fire Casualties have increased, being 146 in 2022/23 and 119 in 2021/22.
Deliberate Fires
We work, in partnership with other agencies, to try to reduce the number of arson incidents across West Yorkshire.
Primary deliberate fires have increased by 17.6% between 2021/22 (1059) and 2022/23 (1245) and secondary deliberate fires have increased by 16.4% (from 4595 to 5347).