For the appropriate storage fees, please click here. The fee for application, processing, and site visit to determine if the licence can be issued, is non-refundable.
From March 2025, we will only be accepting online card payments – see details in the Apply Now section below.
Apply now
The button below will take you to our online application and payment form (this has replaced the previous paper application form).
If you are applying for a new licence, you will need to contact our team first to be given a Premises Identification number (PID) – you will not be able to proceed with the form without a valid PID.
Please contact fire.safety@westyorksfire.gov.uk with the address details of the premises where you will be applying for a licence.
You will need to have the following to complete the application form:
- Premises ID (PID) as detailed above, or from your renewal reminder letter.
- Floor Plan to be uploaded (if explosives are to be kept on the shop floor or in a building that is to be used for other purposes as well as the storage of explosives).
- National Insurance Number.
- Documentary evidence of company permission if applying on behalf of a company or limited liability partnership.
- Details of any relevant convictions (further guidance is provided in the form).
Credit/Debit card details for payment.
When you are ready to proceed, click here - this will take you to the online application and payment form.
Applying for an all year supply licence
Fireworks can normally only be sold at specified dates and times based on the issue of the storage licence. If, as a retailer, you wish to sell fireworks outside these dates, you must apply for a ‘licence to supply or expose for supply’ adult fireworks.
This is a separate licence issued under The Fireworks Regulations 2004 and can be obtained from WYFRA. The annual fee is £500. To obtain an application form, email fire.safety@westyorksfire.gov.uk
Please Note: WYFRA will only issue a licence to supply when the Authority is confident that the person/company is a responsible retailer of fireworks. This is normally after holding a storage licence for a minimum period of 12 months. You cannot obtain a licence to supply unless you hold a current storage licence.
For more information or assistance with the new e-Form, please contact fire.safety@westyorksfire.gov.uk