While we encourage you to celebrate, safety is key. Whether you're attending an organised event or having your own cosy bonfire at home, here are our top tips for having a safe bonfire season:
Whenever possible, consider attending organised events. They are coordinated with the support of local authorities and follow strict safety guidelines for a worry-free evening;
If you choose to celebrate at home, here is our top do’s and don'ts:
- Choose a safe location for your bonfire.
- Have a plan to control it.
- Keep family and friends a safe distance from the flames.
- Always have a bucket of water or garden hose nearby.
- If using sparklers, keep them away from children under five and handle them carefully.
- If you’re buying and using fireworks, make sure they are from a reputable retailer and follow the enclosed instructions.
Toby May, WYFRS operational lead, reminds us, "We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable bonfire season. We’d love to see you at one of the organised events happening around the region; but if you're considering having your own bonfire and fireworks at home, make sure to follow our tips to keep you, your family and your friends safe during this bonfire season.
“Let's make this time of year a blast but, most importantly, a safe one!"
Remember, safety is key. Assistant Chief Constable Osman Khan, Gold Commander for West Yorkshire Police, said: “We want everyone in West Yorkshire to enjoy their bonfire celebrations safely and responsibly and will have an increased visible presence to provide reassurance to our communities over the Bonfire weekend.
“Bonfire Night is historically one of the busiest nights of the year for the emergency services, and people are urged to consider this when calling us. Please use our online options where possible and only use 999 to report emergencies, or where a crime is in progress.”
Together, we can make this a memorable and safe bonfire season.
Last year, 37% of the incidents we responded to involved an injury. Let's work together to make this season injury-free. #bonfireSafe